Wednesday, February 8, 2012

PRADA inspired make-up look!

Get the Look:

1.  Start with a clean, moisturized and primed faceUsing one pump of INK...Cosmetics Face Primer and dab on forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.  Spread evenly.

2.  Apply INK... Foundation Stick where needed.

3.  Pat on INK... Stiletto Shadow only on the lid portion of the eye lid and slightly over the crease. 

4.  Using a fluffy crease brush add INK... Ambition Eye Dust from the crease blending upward and outward to the underbrow portion of the eye.

5.  Don't line the eye!  Keep it casual.  Just add a little black mascara.
6.  NO Blush!

7.  Finish look with INK...Cosmetics Notorious Lip Gloss.

Wear with your favorite jeans, white t-shirt and a pair of bad ass stilettos!  Throw on a navy blue or army green scarf and military style jacket for a fresh modern casual touch.

All products available now at

Please help spread the word and like us on Facebook:  INK...Cosmetics, LLC

Also Follow us on Twitter:  @inkcosmetics

ENJOY Beauties! 

XOXO Besos,
Anna Castillo

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