Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trip to Reykjavik, Iceland

My visit to Reykjavik, Iceland was very interesting. The locals primarily the Organization Against Military Operations, heard about the Conference we attending for NATO and spent a day trying to recruit local students to help their cause. Their websites reported that the opening ceremony of the meeting was moved to our hotel.

Reports from last nights demonstration stated that Police used pepper spray and arrested 6 demonstrators outside the Hotel Hilton last night. Two of the arrests were for burning the NATO flag. I Organization Against Military Operations organized the demonstrations which approx 60 attended. The Police had a lot of preparations and the amount of Police Officers at the scene were more than the demonstrators. Many of them shouted "murders", "no NATO", and through snowballs at the windows of the hotel. I have provided a photo and videos of the scene. Video commentary by Dave H.

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Hello blog readers. I have been super busy! I am currently in Iceland and I know I owe you many updates. I will be posting items from my trip to Kuwait and some other small pieces here soon. Today I have a few minutes to update a couple of videos to pertaining to my trip in Iceland. Hope you enjoy!

Anna C.