How can I cure chapped lips?
The skin on your lips are extremely thin and there are no oil glands to protect them. Lips chap when its natural moisture is lost either by over-use of matte lipsticks or eating citric fruits or even by smacking lips too often. It could also be an allergic reaction to your toothpaste, mouthwash or lipstick.
Some tips to avoid chapped lips:
First rule of winter lip care: Don't lick your lips! Especially in cold weather, frequent lip-licking (something most of us do without even thinking about it) can lead to dry, cracked, painful lips. That's because as the saliva on your lips evaporates, it takes your lips' natural moisture with it -- and since lips don't have oil glands, their natural moisture is scarce to begin with. Once you've sworn off licking, here are some other tricks to turn your lips smooth and soft:
Use a lip balm to help seal in moisture. Stay away from flavoured balms; you may just end up smacking your lips unable to resist the great taste. Try Vaseline Lip Guard.
Exfoliate your lips once a week. Wet a soft toothbrush and gently brush your lips with a circular motion.
Instead of using drying matte lipsticks, line your lips with a lipliner, then fill them in and cover with a gloss.
Apply and reapply a thick, moisturising lip balm. For already-chapped lips, look for a medicated balm containing cooling, pain-reducing ingredients such as camphor, menthol, and phenol.
Once your lips have healed, switch to a non-medicated balm with ingredients like vitamin E, allantoin, and honey. Apply in the morning, throughout the day under or over lipstick, and before bed.
Slough off flakes. To keep lips silky, use a washcloth or wet toothbrush (skip the paste) to gently buff your lips every other day.
Use a humidifier. Dry indoor air can sap the moisture from lips, so use a humidifier when you're indoors, and especially while you sleep.
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